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Winning Wallpaper Ideas for your Interior

Nat AKA Decor NATion

Pattern and colour. No wonder I LOVE wall paper! Do you?

There are so many handy crafty ideas for using it through out your interior, other than on your walls! I will often spend ages looking through wallpaper books for new patterns, colours and textures.

Below is a quick project that I put together for my partners house (hopefully it will encourage him to cook a little more!). This old spice rack definitely needed a freshen up!

Up cycled spice rack

So I have trawled the web to bring you some wallpaper inspiration! Here are my top 10 ideas for using wall paper in your interior! (And not on your walls!)

No. 1 - On your Stairs

Why not add a bit of interest to your usual trip up the stairs?

No. 2 - Cover your Door

Whether creating a secret passage to another world or just wanting to visually expand your wall space, this is definitely a winner for me!

Wallpapered door

No. 3 - A removable screen

Only want to introduce a bit of pattern every now and then? A removable screen is perfect for you.

Wallpapered Screen

No. 4 - The Ceiling

This is definitely something you would want to get an expert in to do! The effect is so dramatic! Truly stunning.

Wallpapered Ceiling

No. 5 - Table Top Pattern

Change things up a bit and add a bit of colour and pattern to your table top! Best to keep this under glass so that it wears well. Best bit is, if you get bored, grab a different pattern and pop it back under the glass!

Tabletop pattern

No. 6 - Inside a Closet

Open the door to Narnia! This magical surprise will put a smile on anyones dial! Loving the mixture of different patterns inside each of the panels on this one.

No. 7 - On a Clipboard

Mini bursts of colour and pattern is enough to make me want to re-organise my home office!

Clipboard Wallpaper

No. 8 - Headboard for your Bed

This is a great way to define certain areas of a room. Also adds a bit of glamour to your bedroom.

Headboard for your Bed

No. 9 - Classic Draw Liner

Forget the old, ugly, stained, draw liners you nana had in her house! Spruce your own draws up with some bright colours or a surprising pattern.

Draw liner

No. 10 - Lampshades

Probably my favourite DIY project! It is so easy to make a lampshade from Wallpaper. This can create a stunning centre piece for a room.

Wallpaper lampshade

What's your favourite wallpaper project?

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